Blog What’s the difference between SSI and SSDI? Many people receive disability benefits from either Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability…Luke Moen-JohnsonApril 19, 2021
Blog How Oregon’s Auto-IRA System Can Help Delay Taking Social Security Oregon is one of several states that has an auto-IRA plan available for all legal…Luke Moen-JohnsonApril 10, 2021
Blog How Student Loan Debt Works With Social Security With Americans over 50 looking at more than $260 billion in student debt, it’s important…Luke Moen-JohnsonApril 2, 2021
Blog How Being on SSI Affects Your COVID-19 Stimulus Check As Americans are beginning to receive their third Economic Impact Payments, continued issues complicate and…Luke Moen-JohnsonMarch 28, 2021
Blog How an Oregon Social Security Attorney Helps Maximize Your Benefits? Working with a Social Security disability attorney will help you maximize your chances for a…Luke Moen-JohnsonMarch 18, 2021
Blog Back Pain and Social Security Disability Chronic back pain can be debilitating, but does it qualify for Social Security benefits? It…Luke Moen-JohnsonMarch 10, 2021
Blog How Children Can Qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is available for children should they meet a specific set of…Luke Moen-JohnsonMarch 2, 2021
Blog Social Security Widows/Widowers and the Government Pension Offset The Government Pension Offset may apply to widows and widowers who receive a public pension…Luke Moen-JohnsonFebruary 19, 2021
Blog Types of Disability Payments that Impact Social Security Benefits Did you know that some types of public disability benefits and workers’ compensation can reduce…Luke Moen-JohnsonFebruary 2, 2021
Blog Collect Military Retirement, VA Disability & Social Security Benefits In most cases, honorably discharged and retired veterans qualify for concurrent benefits. This means that…Luke Moen-JohnsonJanuary 28, 2021