The gig economy is here to stay, and that means more fluctuation in employment. Many of these new career paths are higher-risk and could lead to issues regarding the qualification for Social Security disability. However, before jumping into this emerging economy, it’s essential to know how unemployment insurance (UI) and part-time or contractor work affect SSDI qualification.
Oregon Unemployment Issues Relating to Social Security
One of the first things the unemployment application will ask is if the applicant is “capable of accepting and reporting for full-time, part-time, or temporary work.” The challenges present themselves fairly quickly. If a person answers “yes” to full-time work, they officially state they’re capable of doing full-time work. If they then tell Social Security that they are disabled and unable to do full-time work, a credibility issue can arise. Being able to only perform part-time or temporary work is not necessarily incompatible with Social Security disability.
Complex Disability Issues Make Oregon Unemployment Challenging
Suppose an applicant has a disability that could make it possible to obtain work, but realistically, the limitations of the disability make it impossible to sustain employment. In that case, it’s fair to say that the applicant could obtain unemployment and SSDI. In this type of situation, consulting a qualified Social Security claims attorney would be crucial.
Traditional Social Security is an Option
If you’re at least 62 years of age and considering taking Social Security retirement benefits, and are unemployed, you should receive both concurrently. There is a specific way to do this, and you should do it carefully to ensure that you maintain your full Social Security benefit once UI ends.
The gig economy makes the option of SSDI one that’s complicated and not to be done alone. Oregonians trust Drew L. Johnson, P.C. to advise them on their Social Security claims needs, whether concerning part-time work, unemployment benefits, or another circumstance. Call (541) 434-6466 to learn more.