Especially in this day and age, mental health is rightfully becoming a regular topic of conversation as the breadth and severity of the impact of these illnesses are more widely understood.
In some cases, the severity of these conditions could qualify certain people for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, depending on the person’s income level and how the condition affects his/her ability to conduct everyday tasks.
For SSI, adults must have less than $2,000 in liquid assets as individuals or less than $3,000 as a couple. Children must follow similar strict income guidelines based around what their parents or guardians make. For SSDI, a person must have been working and paying into Social Security for at least five of the last ten years prior to when their disability started. The amount any one person will receive is directly tied to the amount of FICA taxes he/she has paid into the system over their number of working years.
There are a number of mental health conditions that can qualify for SSI or SSDI coverage. To qualify, a mental health impairment must have prevented, or be expected to prevent, the applicant from working full-time for at least 12 months. Having clear and specific treatment documentation is crucial to proving the condition and how it affects the daily life of the applicant.
If you or a loved one is working through a tough mental condition and have been denied SSI or SSDI benefits, it’s time to consult a qualified Social Security claims attorney. Call the team at Drew L. Johnson, P.C. today at (541) 434-6466 or (541)967-1045 to schedule your free consultation.