
How Much Can Your Children Receive in Benefits?

By December 28, 2021 January 3rd, 2022 No Comments

One of the most confusing aspects of Social Security is concerning children and the benefits they may be entitled to. In an effort to help give you a bit more baseline knowledge, we’ve outlined some of the key things to know below.

Dependent Children and Social Security

A dependent child can receive up to 50 percent of the benefit of a parent receiving retirement or disability benefits. If the parent is deceased, that number increases to 75 percent. (In either case, the number is calculated as a percentage of the benefit that the worker would have received had they continued working until retirement.) A parent taking care of a child on their own may also receive benefits.

Grandchildren may also become eligible for benefits based upon the earnings record of either of their grandparents (if the grandparents are now the custodians of the child). However, the parents of the child must be disabled or deceased.

Benefits for Disabled Children

Many disabled children may be eligible for benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), but it’s a challenging process. The SSA says the child must have a physical or mental condition that severely limits their regular, everyday activity and will either last more than 12 months or result in the child’s death.

Additionally, the applicant’s family must have verifiably limited resources to apply towards the child’s care. The SSA will look at a family’s household income, tax returns, and other documents in making a formal recommendation. If the child and their family qualify, the child may receive a monthly SSI benefit.

Children 18 or older may also be eligible for Disabled Adult Child benefits if their disability begins before age 22, and a parent is either disabled, retired, or deceased.


The benefits process can be challenging, and denials are much more common than acceptance. Given the uncertainty, it’s easy to see where the value of a trusted Social Security claims attorney comes in. There is a formal appeals process, and especially when children are involved, you’ll want an aggressive representative on your side. Call Drew L. Johnson, P.C. today at (541) 434-6466 to schedule a free consultation.