Everyone knows the basics of how Social Security works: as you work over a certain number of working years, a portion of your paycheck goes into a massive pool that you can expect to earn benefits from once you retire. In an ideal situation, you’ll get the total amount back over your golden years once you hit age qualification.
But did you know about these three surprising additional, potential benefits? The Motley Fool outlines some unexpected possible benefit options:
Benefits for Ex-Spouses
Simply put, if you were married for a decade or more, then divorced, you can get spousal benefits based on an ex-spouse’s past work history. This gets complicated when it comes to remarriage as those benefits are only available if you haven’t remarried.
If your former partner has passed away, things get complicated once again. Remarriage before 60 means you can’t submit for benefits on that ex’s work history, but those who wait until 60 or older before remarrying can still get survivor benefits.
Survivor Benefits Independent of Your Own Retirement Benefit
If your spouse has passed away, it’s crucial to look at all of the survivor benefit provisions, especially as you approach age 50. If you’re disabled, you can begin claiming benefits at the half-century mark (age 60 in most other circumstances). You can begin claiming these benefits before retirement age.
The Lump-Sum Death Benefit
One payment that most don’t know about is a $255 payment that Social Security pays out to an eligible recipient upon the beneficiary’s death. Eligible people include surviving spouses, children, and a few other select types of people associated with the beneficiary.
Most people have a negative view of working within the Social Security system, but there are a range of benefits available if you know where to look. This is why it’s so important to consult a qualified Social Security claims attorney to make sure you’re getting everything owed to you. Call Drew L. Johnson, P.C. today at (541) 434-6466 to arrange a free initial consultation about your specific situation.