Few things are simple when it comes to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The process can be complicated, disheartening, and daunting. In Oregon, we have a higher-than-average approval rate for disability benefits, but that still only gives you about a 35-45% chance of getting approved. Often, disabled people are denied several times throughout their application process before they are ultimately approved. An experienced Social Security attorney can give you the best chance at approval. Another important element of your application process will be your doctor.
How Your Doctor Can Help
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a broad list of medical problems that it considers worthy of disability benefits. We’ll discuss what those ailments are in a later section. What’s important to know now is that the SSA can only approve your disability based on the records of a medical professional. And it’s not enough to simply prove you have one of these disorders. Your doctor should state that the disorder is so severe that you are unable to work full-time.
You can see, based on this, how an experienced doctor can help or hurt your case. Your doctor will need to see you several times to administer treatment. A refusal to follow your doctor’s plan is considered grounds for rejecting a disability application by the SSA. On the other hand, a series of medical documents that outline a willing and attentive patient can go a long way toward approving your application. The simple truth is that the SSA will believe what a doctor says about your condition before they believe you. So following all of your doctor’s recommendations is a must.
Disability Evaluation Under Social Security
The Social Security Administration provides medical professionals with criteria for assessing disabilities. This evaluation is to ensure that the client’s ailments align with all of the specifications the SSA requires. The SSA’s final decision will be based on your doctor’s insights as well as your past work history, age, education level, and work skills.
A Special Evaluation
Social Security Disability Insurance and SSI is highly sought after, so often, further medical evaluations are necessary. A state-level program that the SSA uses is called the Disability Determination Services (DDS), and they can request a special medical examination with a doctor of their choosing. The DDS will pay for these tests as well as certain related travel expenses. A copy of the results can be sent to your primary care physician as well.
It will be your responsibility to take all the necessary tests and cooperate fully with the doctor. The doctor is not responsible for determining if you are disabled. They simply send the results to DDS. DDS will then decide if your results match those of the SSA and if you are, therefore, eligible for disability benefits. The process can be long and complex, but cooperating is your best chance of being approved.
Types Of Disabilities
The SSA has a list of impairments that make you automatically eligible for SSDI. They range from skeletal disorders to mental illnesses. Your doctor can declare the fact that you are disabled, but it will be up to the DDS to determine if that means you are entitled to benefits. Your doctor plays a very large role in the disability benefits process, but they do not make the final determination.
What To Do If You Are Rejected
Numerous appeals are possible after your benefits application is rejected. A qualified Social Security attorney can give you the best chance of being approved. Call Drew L. Johnson, P.C., Attorneys At Law, today at (541) 434-6466.