Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) have been all over the news in the last five years—in large part due to their prevalence among NFL players. However, TBIs happen for various reasons – whether related to a workplace accident, auto accident, serious fall, or other circumstance. These injuries can severely impact many aspects of your life, including your ability to work. It leads many to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) as an option to help with monthly living expenses.
So do TBIs qualify for SSDI? If they are severe enough to prevent you from working full-time, they can. We’ll help you understand how TBIs can qualify as a disability as described by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Types & Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries
In October 2016, TBIs were given their own designation on the SSA’s official disability and impairment list. You do not need to meet these criteria to be considered disabled, but if you do, you automatically qualify. According to the SSA, the TBI must cause:
A. Disorganization of motor function in two extremities, resulting in an extreme limitation in standing up from a seated position, balance while standing or walking, or use of the upper extremities, persisting for at least 3 consecutive months after the injury.
B. Marked limitation in physical functioning, and one of the following areas of mental functioning, persisting for at least three consecutive months after the injury:
1. Understanding, remembering, or applying information; or
2. Interacting with others; or
3. Concentrating, persisting, or maintaining pace; or
4. Adapting or managing oneself
These injuries could be a severe concussion, skull fracture, hematoma, or more. The impacts are significant, and any one of these could dramatically impair your ability to work — let alone knowing that multiple symptoms and/or conditions appear concurrently.
Proving & Supporting Your TBI Disability Claim
Of course, the SSA is famously strict about applicant approval. To maximize your chances of a successful claim, you must provide all the documentation you have for your condition, including the diagnosis, lab results, treatment programs, and a medical report from your doctor. The SSA will then evaluate the specifics of your condition to assess your ability to work.
Social Security Disability attorneys for individuals with TBIs in Oregon
At Drew L. Johnson, P.C. Attorneys at Law, we understand the debilitating nature of TBIs. We’ve dedicated our careers to helping Eugene and Albany residents suffering from these, and other conditions qualify for SSDI or SSI. We’ll help you navigate the application process from start to finish so you can get the financial support you need and deserve. Call (541) 434-6466 today to schedule a free initial consultation for your claim.